Thursday, September 27, 2012


Mom checks facebook everyday. I go in climb into my pocket lots so I see it to. I am not sure why she needs to check it out everyday, as far as I can see it is just stupid. Most of the people she has  'friends' she has never met and never will. And of all the people she knows, not sure but I think it is over 200 maybe even 300, I only notice a handful that actually are in any way interesting or that even pay attention to what she has to say. Again only half of them people we actually have met face to face. As far as I can see it is a great way to not feel good about yourself because all your 'friends' are always ignoring you! They are all like, look at me! Like me! I am important! And I guess we are all important, but I think it is stupid for people to expect everyone to like like like them but don't return the favour. 

I thinks its funny too how 'larger' people especially girls learn to take 'skinny' face pics for there facebook profiles! I think my mom has even done that a time or two. So whats up with not being yourself and who cares anyway what other people think. You are who you are and if you are not being nasty to others you are beautiful! I love being a dog, I can have a good hair day or a bad hair day, or be skinny or fat and it does not matter, I am who I am. 

No one is telling me I have to look a certain way or be a certain size, except my doctor of course. Well and my mom when she says I need a hair cut cause I  am getting to dirty outside. I can look funny and its okay I am still cute. I think everyone should be like me, love life, love me, love my family and who cares what anyone thinks. I wake up happy and I go to sleep happy. And I do my job (yes I have a job I protect my mom and dad!) and am happy to do it. 

Okay my brain is a little smaller than the average person, and I never over think things like my mom has a tendency to do, probably cause my brain is smaller. Big brains make for annoying side effects like feeling bad someone said something mean to you or imagining what someone else it thinking. Like really? Who cares. My advice: love your hair, be nice, who cares what others think (as long as they can't physically hurt you!) live your life, love your life.

So mom and dad check out facebook throughout the day, I don't know why. Boredom? Curiosity? The morbid need to be ignored? I guess sometimes its good to see that someone else is having the same problem you are, solidarity and knowing your not alone and all that. And sometimes its nice to know that your not as stupid as someone else, or as bad. Or maybe just as good or even better than someone else at something. It could be the need to know someone else is worse off too, sometimes I need to know that another dog is in worse shape than me makes me feel better about my life, ummmm okay ya . . . .  . . no it doesn't. But it seems to work for others. 

Alright I'll admit sometimes it is just nice to know what other people are doing, and to know your not alone in the world. Some people are actually interesting and funny. And when I watch I see some cool things that I never would of seen or known about otherwise.  

I myself can live without Facebook. or any other electronic way to keep up with the neighbours or keep tabs on the neighbours cause I DON'T CARE :-D Mom and Dad are going to have to learn to be like me cause when we go to Belize maybe they won't be able to be checking the internet all the time. I am sooo excited! I can't wait! We can do more things together. That will be fun. 

So maybe something cool will happen today. Will let you know.

Sniff ya later.


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Import permits, Stuff and stuffies. . . . . .

Hey so we got the pet import permit today! That's awesome so I don't have to worry that I will not get into the country when we get there now. That is a relief, what would I ever do if my mom and dad had to leave me, I would be SO SCARED! Oh just thinking about it is scary! Okay not going to think about it. So thank goodness we got the import permit.

Mom and dad are trying to sell some stuff. It's crazy how much stuff there is for sale! There is so much stuff for sale no one wants to buy it I think.  I  know that the things we have for sale are good things but dad says everyone wants everything for next to nothing now a days. So if you don't sell if for next to nothing you end up stuck with it, but mom says that she would rather keep something or give it to someone before she sells it to someone who offers 5 cents on a dollar.

 I don't think I have that much stuff, just a few squeaky stuffies (hehehe) and a sweater and a leash oh and my new travel kennel. That's pretty much it, well except for the scissors, medicine, food, treats, brush, blankets, shampoo, nail clippers, ......... ok wow I guess I do have stuff.

'Me with my duck and my beaver squeaky stuffies!!

I don't want to sell my things though. I LOVE love love my stuffies, no one else can have them but me! Well maybe I would share with Porsha if she asked nice. Oh I could sell the scissors or the shaver that would be great then I could go bohemian! Ya your right that is not going to happen, but everyone has to have a dream right! I hope mom is going to pack my squeaky stuffies and maybe a blanket and some treats when we go to Belize. 

I spent yesterday with mom and dad in the truck. Lots of driving. It's okay I am used to it really and just nap, except the waiting in the truck for them when they went shopping. Like I said before I do not like that at all.  But they are usually not gone to long . . . . . . . in human minutes that is, it seems a lot longer to me in my dog minutes though. I think it is cause my heart beats faster or maybe cause I am a lot smaller. It was nice of mom to sit with me in the truck when dad went to the doctor though! I liked that sometimes dad sits with me too when mom does stuff. I like it best when I can go with them though! Once when I was a baby my dad took me into the Walmart in his coat and the mean lady at the door made him put me in the truck all by myself! I was only a baby she was a mean lady! What did she think I was going to do jump out of my dads coat and run around the store peeing on everything? I like to go in the dog stores. There is so much to see and smell! Usually I get a treat and now that I am growing up and the other little dogs don't scare me there are lots of friends to meet too, except I still don't like the really big dogs they are still scary. 

Well going to go outside and pee and make sure there none of those pesky rabbits hanging around and then get ready for bed now. 

Talk to you later!

Monday, September 24, 2012

OH OH about the Rave!!!

So yup we had company yesterday, it was so tiring! All those little people coming in and out of my yard. Thinking they can touch me, that's what Porsha is for! She likes it (weirdo)! Touch her! Leave me alone. What ever am I going to do when I am all alone for the winter and there is no Porsha to sacrifice? Okay so it is not a sacrifice to her she loves the attention, I don't get it but am happy she does.

On the bright side I got to eat chicken! MMMMMM chicken. I love chicken and turkey days I always get some it is great.

Dad is counting down for Belize, how many days did he say again? Ummm . . . . . . . . hmmmmm 20 something I think. Thats not to many I think.  Mom read about scorpions and told us, they sound interesting, good thing I don't wear shoes though! They hide in shoes. Also spiders as big as me! Well almost that should be cool too! Okay mom does not think so and hopes she does not see one to close up, she said its okay to look at them from a distance.

OH oh oh I just remembered! Mom and dad had to work last weekend and we got to go along! We go along a lot but usually we stay in the house but this time we got to go with them to work. It was at this thing with big annoying booming sounds, mom said it was rave music. It was sooo annoying! But the things we saw were crazy! We saw all these big bright colored animals walking around, funny though they only walked on two feet. There were pink ones and green ones and yellow ones with fuzzy legs and heads and no fur in the middle like a fancy shaved white dyed poodle. I seen poodles like that before, like mom used to dye Porsha pink or blue with Kool-aid that was fun!
We had to spend a lot of time in our playpen, we were in a park that did not allow real animals! Can you believe it??!! It was okay for all the big peop-anim-les to run around peeing behind the trees, but not us real dogs, really not sure how that works?! Hey mom should have done that, dyed Porsha and me pink or blue! Then we would have fit right in and security would not have been always trying to kick her out because then she would not have looked like a real dog!
I saw a big creepy orange worm thingy, when I say big I mean 100 ft tall (well to me anyway), thats right it had no face or anything, scared the bejesus out of me! Looked like a huge glow worm, good thing it had no mouth it look hungry!  Dad told me about this thing called 'bath salts' the kids are taking today that makes them eat peoples faces off!!!! Again good thing the worm had no mouth! Scary!
Also something called a hoarasaurus, very funny, a girl dressed up in really colorful clothes okay not dressed in as little clothes as possible, with colorful furry legs and really BIG hair. They stuck them in cages and made them dance!! Poor things..... but it made us  laugh and laugh. Again questioning the crazy rules about real animals not being allowed in the park??!!
Last time there were naked people too! This time cause it was in a city there was none. Some of the people were almost naked though.
We met some really cool people too though! Friendly and fun. I don't much like people as you know but they were nice. Lots of them wear something called a 'spirit hood ' I think moms says it is called it is a big furry hood with ears sewn on and long scarfy things hanging down with mitts on the end. Man how they must envy me! :-D   They come in every color imaginable some even look like feathers! Dad wants one cause he wants to be an animal just like me! :-) Mom said no :-(
Maybe if we lived here in the winter and they needed one to wear to stay warm but mom thinks its hilarious that people wear furry hoods and furry leg warmers when it is plus 100 outside. Actually I think its pretty funny too! Really what do they wear in the winter they must freeze to death. There were people dressed like pirates, and people from alice in wonderland it was like a great big wacky Halloween party in the middle of summer!! I wish you could have seen it!

Some people seemed a little spaced out (okay a LOT spaced out) , mom says it was because they were (shhh.... on drugs). They act all weird, and like they are your best friend, the kind of people you know would hide in their basement and play video games and only talk to people on the computer if they were not high on something.  Annoying as long as they are not trying to talk to you but hilarious otherwise!

That was the last event we went to this year. I will tell you about the others some day too. Like the one we went to in the mountains with the naked people! That was an eye opener for sure. We even saw naked men (old fat naked men) at that one! Each to there own I guess.

All stories for another day!
Have to go hide in my blanket cave now and rest. All this story telling wears me out.

Bark at ya later!!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Here we go loopy loo

Here we go loopy loo, here we go loopy liii, here we go loopy loo, all on a Saturday Night!!!

It's Saturday what fun can we get into?!

K so really I did not do much Friday Night except go for a walk around the campground where we got our new site and permanent summer home now.  I love my walks sniffing the daily newspaper! So many stories. There are a lot of really nice places here. I am going to be so excited when we get to set up in or permanent spot next spring and mom and dad can build me a big fenced yard.

The weather has been fantastic this month so far. Nice cause I hate the cold and we do not go to Belize until October. Mom says it is nice and hot there I will like it. I hope so cause I hate winter, last winter I froze my little tushy off. There are a LOT of hornets to chase this time of year! Mom says it is a good thing that I don't catch any cause they would sting my mouth and that would be bad, but they are annoying and I love to try and catch them.

OH today is a road trip day! I guess we have to go into town and buy something for a BBQ tomorrow. We get company! Alright that is not a happy excited cause I really dislike company. Strange people coming into my space and mom and dad insist I have to be nice, but I don't have to like it. Especially if they are those uncontrolled little people! Hey they try and poke my eyes out or pull off my ears, thank god I have no tail! Just cause I am cute does not mean you can be mean to me, try to tell them that though. No matter how much I warn them away they just keep coming at me. Not the most trustworthy creatures on earth I can tell you that much! I am pretty much a one family dog and it takes me a looooong time to accept anyone new into my family. People just can't be trusted you know, especially little people.  I know that makes my mom sad and a bit embarrassed that I don't trust people but I don't care I don't trust them.
OH and big dogs! They are very scary I mean really one chomp and I am someones lunch! Imagine something 10 times bigger than you sniffing your butt! Scary scary scary! <:-O    I can sound mean when I want too, I really can!!

So it should be an interesting day. Road trip and then maybe another walk tonight! That would be great.

Hey so got to go to work now and make sure no one comes too close!

Sniff you later

Friday, September 21, 2012

A day closer to . . . . . squirrel!

Good morning! I LOVE mornings! I am the perfect polar opposite to my mom in that respect. She is NOT a morning person. I wait and wait and wait for her to get up. I am SOOO excited when she finally does get up.
"Hey mom, yoo hoo! Down here! Look at me! Wanna play huh huh? Come on! I got my squeaky!! Dad! Dad! Mom's not playing what's wrong with her?"
I try really really hard but she is kind of lackadaisical, I know big word, I heard mom use it once she had to explain what it meant so now I know.

So okay I give up and ask if I can crawl into my pocket. Now I admit I am annoyed and try to get her to pay attention to me by sticking my head in front of her face when she is trying to read or do the computer. It never works though :-( so I end up having to go play by myself. I HATE playing by myself. Or have a nap, usually the nap wins!

So we went to do laundry yesterday at my dads sisters house. I love her house, it is a mansion! I can run and run and run around and around and around. So much fun!

I do not love the neighbour mutts though they bark and bark. And there mom is just as bad for letting them! Have some respect already! I only bark when it is absolutely necessary to protect my mom and dad.  Well also when I go outside and the neighbor barky dogs are out I want to rip there throats out!!! GRRRRR!  >:-|
Oh sorry, (shake my head) ..... Mom and dad never let me and once the wave of craziness passes I am okay ignoring them. Stupid mutts anyway. Everyone hates a dog that talks too much and never knows when to shut up.

My job is to protect my mom, my dad's job is to protect me and my mom. So between me and my dad my mom will always be okay.  I really don't like it when she leaves me behind especially in the truck. Do you know what kind of weirdo's are out there that can hurt her!! She really needs to take me with her to keep all the creepers away! Even when I bark and bark at her when she leaves me in the truck she won't listen, stubborn, that's my mom. I am always soooo relieved when she gets back.

I am a bit sad Porsha can't come with us to Belize. Mom says she is too big and not allowed under the seat like me so she has to go and stay at a friends house. I think she will like it because the have LOTS of friends for her to keep her company. She is old too, 12 dog years so that is like over 80 in human years! I try and play with her a lot, most of the time she ignores me.  I think she is going a bit deaf cause she does not always listen to mom and dad. But I love her anyway and I will miss her I am sure mom and dad will too :-(

K well I am getting sleepy watching my mom pack for our trip. I am going to go lay on my dad and have a nap now.

Catch ya later

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Going to Belize!! Okay anyone know where that is?

Okay here it goes. I am a two year old male, neutered (shudder), Yorkshire Terrier.

I love my squeakies, liver treats and sleeping in the 'pocket' that is my 'mom's' jacket/housecoat.

I  guess I am going to Belize!! Where ever that is. Can you believe it! My 'mom' is working on getting the import permit right now. She was a bit worried she would not get it in time and then where would I be?! But that's my mom she is a bit of a worrier, okay more like if she does not get what she wants the day she wants it she is a bit like me when I want my ham bone, I get REALLY focused on the bone and bug people till I get it. Okay I admit I don't EVER get ham bones but I would be like that if I did :-( and I should get a ham bone don't you think!

So she finally heard back from the BHA (Belizian Health Authority) today. Not sure what that is but I imagine I don't want to piss them off as that could go very badly for me. They told us it would be a few days and then the permit would be ready. So we can relax about that now! Good thing too especially since my flight is already booked and paid for.

Mom and dad also bought me my new travel kennel. I was really not to sure about it when they first got it. Something new and all that. But after being forced into it a few times, I am okay with it now. Much more comfy than sitting on my mom's knee in the truck as I have a tendency to slip off that. It has got a nice padded bottom and lots of room to stretch out in. Also it has this really cool leash thingy inside with a metal end on it! I do LOVE to chew on metal things, and it is a lot easier to chew than my dog tags. To get them in my mouth takes a bit of acrobatics and is a bit tiring.

I got two new squeakies too! A duck and a beaver. Love love love them.

Had to go to the doctor to get my check up and needles (:-O Was not to bad my doctor is a great guy! I don't mind it toooo much. The check up is a lot better than when I went and got my nuts cut off!! YES REALLY. . .  I mean barbaric?! Not to bad now though hardly miss them at all. I am pretty sure they lied about my voice going up though, pretty sure it did not change too much. So ya got the required shots and are all ready to go on the health front now.

Yesterday I got a haircut. I don't mind it to much I guess but I wish mom would NOT GO NEAR THE HEAD! Geez does she not know it is LOUD and SCARY! Dad had to hold me I feel a 'bit' better when he does but really why can't I just go bohemian? Dread locks sound cool! Always wanted to try them. Pretty sure mom is not going to let me go that way though (sigh). As if that was not enough they took me to Petsmart and got my nails trimmed. That's not so bad the horrifying part was being left there!! YA all alone with all these strangers! K I really hate that part. Mom and dad were gone F  O  R E V E R! I really do hate that thank god it does not happen to often. I guess if I let them do it, it would solve the problem but I do not trust them NEAR my nails so guess I will have to put up with the occasional nail trim.

So ya I guess I am off to Belize for six months!!! Will keep you posted on the progress.

 Gotta go nap now check ya later!